Sunday, July 20, 2008

A Few Photos Taken Today

We are suffering a heat wave, but the garden is holding up nobly. I have a new digital camera -- yay! I would have taken more pictures but it was a bit too sunny.

Plantings & containers in the area where Pagoda Dogwood used to be:

Echinacea (purple coneflower):

Nicotiana and cosmos, with tiger lilies from Linda Mandracchia's garden in the background:

Front steps:

Front steps:

Nicole, watering:

1 comment:

Ellen Kirby said...

Hey, this is great. I love all the photos. Makes me homesick. Looks like you have a great team and lots of energy going there. It's a joy to see what is happening.


Resources (Books and such) List

  • Community Gardening Guidebook, Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
  • The End of Nature by Bill McKibben